XVI B-MRS Meeting: call for symposia proposals.

xvi-encontroThe call for symposia proposals for the XVI Brazilian MRS (B-MRS) Meeting is open until January, 31, 2017. The conference will take place in Gramado, RS at the Centro de Eventos de Gramado – Faurgs, from September 10th-14th, 2017.

Symposium proposals may be submitted by any PhD associated with educational and/or research institutions in Brazil or abroad, in any field of Materials Science and Engineering. The proposal presentation must be submitted through the form available at http://sbpmat.org.br/proposed_symposium/. The submission requires the following data:

– Description of the symposium scope
– List of topics of interest
– Tentative list of invited speakers
– Names and contacts of symposium organizers

We look forward to your participation to create an outstanding B-MRS Meeting!


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