Symposium M

Materials and devices for solar energy conversion

Scope of the Symposium

This symposium is dedicated to contributions in the development of new materials and devices for the conversion of solar energy into electrical and chemical energy. All areas of photovoltaic research are welcome, including the development of novel materials, device fabrication, modules and solar panels, grid integrated solar energy, device stability and standardization. Special emphasis is dedicated to hybrid materials and nanomaterials used in third generation solar cells, artificial photosynthesis and solar fuel production. This symposium opens the opportunity to meet experts in the field of energy conversion to discuss new concepts, trends, novel materials and their properties and developments in science and technology.

Abstracts will be solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas

  • Organic (Polymer), Quantum dots and Dye Sensitized solar cells
  • Perovskite based solar cells
  • Thin film solar cells, silicon, CdTe, CIGS and related materials
  • New Materials and Characterization
  • Advances in materials design and control, bandgap engineering, quantum confinement, and plasmonic effects to enhance the solar energy device conversion
  • Device fabrication and processing
  • PV modules, systems and grid integration aspects
  • Theoretical approaches to designing and discovering novel concepts for solar energy conversion
  • Stability and Standardization

Invited speakers
  • Roger C. Hiorns
    (Centre National de la Recherche Scientique / Université de Pau (CNRS/UPPA)) [Confirmed]
  • Enzo Menna
    (Università degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD)) [Confirmed]

Symposium Organizers
  • Ana Flavia Nogueira (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP)
  • Carlos F. O. Graeff (DF-FC-UNESP )
  • Jilian N. de Freitas (Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer ? CTI)
  • Marco A. Schiavon (Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei)