Symposium D

Corrosion, tribocorrosion and tribology: study of materials and solutions to increase its life span

Scope of the Symposium

Nowadays, the research for new materials and solutions to reduce wear, corrosion and fatigue is vital to minimize, for instances, energy consumption.
This symposium covers all aspects of degradation of metallic, ceramic, polymeric and composite materials, together with the characterization techniques needed to understand degradation phenomena. Solutions to increase the life span of materials submitted to degradation and corrosion, tribological fundaments, tribocorrosion, tribotesting (micro and nano scale), tribomaterials and in-situ tribology are also included.
We welcome contributions to improve scientific and mechanistic understanding of the degradation of materials, characterization tools and solutions to avoid or reduce degradation.

Abstracts will be solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas

  • Advanced materials and tribomaterials
  • Biotribology
  • Corrosion
  • Degradation of materials
  • Lubrication and lubricants, including solid lubricants
  • Materials for corrosion control
  • Mechanisms of friction and wear
  • Surface treatments and multifunctional surfaces
  • Tribocorrosion and biotribocorrosion
  • Tribological fundaments

Invited speakers
  • Prof. Dr. Joao Salvador Fernandes
    (Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), Centro de Quimica Estrutural (CQE), Portugal) [Confirmed]
  • Prof. Dr. Mathew T. Mathew
    (University of Illinois at Chicago) [Confirmed]
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel de Mello
    (Universidade Federal de Uberlandia) [To be confirmed]
  • Prof. Dr. Rogerio Anacleto Cordeiro Colaco
    (Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica do IST) [Confirmed]

Symposium Organizers
  • Dr. Polyana Alves Radi Goncalves (Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica - ITA)
  • Prof. Dr. Lucia Vieira (Universidade do Vale do Paraiba - UNIVAP)
  • Prof. Dr. Luis Augusto Sousa Marques da Rocha (Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências de Bauru, Departamento de Física.)