Secretariat Address

Phone: 55 81 21267643

Departamento de Física - UFPE
Av. Prof. Luiz de Barros Freire s/n – Cidade Universitária
50670-901 – Recife – PE


Scientific Program


Photonics is an enabling cross-disciplinary technology, defined as the technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The science includes light emission, transmission, deflection, amplification and detection by optical components and instruments, lasers and other light sources, fibre optics, electro-optical instrumentation, related hardware and electronics, and sophisticated systems. The range of applications of photonics extends from energy generation to detection to communications and information processing.

The development of materials as photonics media has led to inumerous applications with social and economic impact worldwide. There is a flourishing community of physicists, chemists, biologists and materials engineers and scientists in Brazil dealing with several aspects of photonics materials and applications, and this meeting is a very appropriate venue for exchange of knowledge and information.

This symposium is oriented to preparation, characterization and applications of photonics materials, including theoretical developments, encompassing several important research topics.

We encourage the submission of manuscripts to this symposium in the following topics:

  • Device oriented synthesis and characterization of glasses and crystals;

  • Spectroscopic characterization and applications of rare earth doped materials;

  • Simulation of optical properties of nanostructured materials;

  • Photonics crystal and microstructured fibers: from modeling to applications;

  • Nanocomposite as photonic media;

  • Biophotonics materials: characterization and device oriented applications;

  • Novel developments and applications of optical methods for materials characterization;

  • Optical imaging as a tool for photonics materials applications;

  • Optical waveguides: fabrication, characterization and applications of passive and active waveguide devices;

Keywords: photonics; photonics materials; nanophotonics; biophotonics

Symposium Organizers

Younes Messaddeq

Anderson S. L. Gomes



Copyright 2005
IV Encontro da SBPMat - Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisas em Materiais