Secretariat Address

Phone: 55 81 21267643

Departamento de Física - UFPE
Av. Prof. Luiz de Barros Freire s/n – Cidade Universitária
50670-901 – Recife – PE


Scientific Program


The outcomes of magnetism and magnetic materials for society are enormous, ranging from audio, video and, tele-communications, automotive sensors, electric motors at all scales, medical imaging, energy supply and transportation, as well as the multibillion industry of data storage.

Rapid improvement in this area has been possible thanks to a constant feedback between processing, characterization and applications efforts. The development of new magnetic materials and the understanding of their properties motivate much of the today's materials science accomplishments.

Increasingly sophisticated applications, driven by advances in the synthesis of complex structures, often with nanometer-scale dimensions, require increasingly sophisticated experimental techniques that can directly probe the electronic and spin states, as well as the magnitudes of atomic magnetic moments and the magnetic microstructures responsible for the remarkably useful properties of these materials. One of the emerging fields in advanced microelectronics so called magnetoelectronics, (spin-based electronics) or spintronics, is based on magnetic materials such as magnetic metals, oxides and salts.

This symposium intends to bring together researchers engaged in the preparation, characterization and application of magnetic materials to share experimental results and new ideas in this area of fast growth.

We encourage the submission of manuscript in the following, but not limited, topics:

  • Advanced nanostructured magnetic materials
  • Spintronic materials - phenomena and advanced characterization
  • Preparation of high performance permanent magnets
  • Magnetic thin films and multilayers
  • Magnetic fluids
  • Advanced magnetic materials sensors
  • Mechanically milled magnetic materials and structural applications
  • High performance magnetic ceramics
  • Soft magnetic materials

Symposium Organizers

Antonio Azevedo 

João Schmidt


Copyright 2005
IV Encontro da SBPMat - Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisas em Materiais